A. Questionnaire Data
Fat Screener
High-fat diet that represents about 40% of my daily caloric intake (recommended daily fat intake is less than 30%)
I eat eggs frequently; egg yolk is high in cholesterol. I could replace it with just egg whites.
Whole milk can be replaced with 2% milk to reduce fat consumption.
Deep-fried food increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis or coronary heart disease.
Fruit/Vegetable/Fiber Screener
My diet is low in fruit, vegetables, and fiber. I only eat about half of the recommended daily servings.
I am at risk of vitamin deficiencies like vitamin B complex, folate, and vitamin C.
Increasing my intake of fiber decreases the risk of cancers like colon cancer.
My daily grain intake needs to increase by 3 oz to meet the public health consumption recommendation.
Chronic deficiency of fruit intake can lead to hypovitaminosis.
Intake of 3 more servings of vegetables can reduce the risk of cancers.
My carbohydrate intake is almost twice as much as the recommended value.
My daily fiber intake did not even reach 50% of the recommended value.
My protein intake is more than 200% of the recommended value.
I exceeded the daily recommended values for folate, niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, vitamin A, and B12.
My intake of Vitamin D, E, and K is slightly below the recommended daily intake.
Vitamin D deficiency can lead to bone pain and myalgia.
Vitamin E deficiency can lead to nerve and muscle damage.
Vitamin K deficiency can lead to bleeding tendency.
Potassium is the only mineral that I need to increase in my diet.
Hypokalemia can lead to cardiac arrhythmia and muscle weakness.